Coding Stuff

In the world of programming, there are two main approaches to solving problems; greedy and dynamic programming. Greedy programming is the approach that tries to solve a problem as quickly as possible, while dynamic programming is the approach that tries to solve a problem as efficiently as possible.

In greedy programming, you try to solve a problem as quickly as possible by trying to find the smallest possible solution. In dynamic programming, you try to solve a problem as efficiently as possible by trying to find the smallest possible solution. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. Greedy programming can be very time-consuming if you are trying to solve a very large problem, but it can also be very efficient if you are trying to solve a small problem. On the other hand, dynamic programming can be very time-consuming if you are trying to solve a very small problem, but it can also be very efficient if you are trying to solve a large problem.

As a general rule, dynamic programming is better than greedy programming when you are solving problems that involve large numbers of variables or when you are solving problems that involve a lot of data. On the other hand, greedy programming is better than dynamic programming when you are solving problems that involve small numbers of variables or when you are solving problems that involve a lot of data. A dynamic programming algorithm is a powerful tool that can be used to solve problems more efficiently than with other algorithms.

What is Greedy Method?

The greedy approach is used to answer problems involving optimization. It is a strategy that focuses on obtaining the maximum or minimum result. We can better understand the term problem with a few terms. The simplest and most straightforward method is the Greedy method. It is not an algorithm but a technique. The decision is made on the basis of current information only, regardless of future impact. This method determines whether or not an optimal solution is possible. 

What is Dynamic Programming?

Whenever we encounter a recursive form that has identical inputs for repeated uses, we can lower time complexity using dynamic programming. We may save the results of subproblems by recording them. This minimal optimization reduces time complexity to a polynomial ratio. For example, if we recorded all the answers to the Fibonacci summation, time complexity would be reduced to linear. If we recorded subproblems, time complexity would be reduced to linear. 

Difference Between Greedy and Dynamic Programming

There are several key differences between the greedy method and dynamic programming, Check on Interviewbit.

#dynamicprogramming, (1) #greedyprogramming (1)
In today’s world, when technology plays an increasingly vital part in all aspects of our lives, it’s critical that we choose a programming language that can efficiently address real-world problems. Python is one such programming language. Python’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, thanks to its use in a wide range of industries such as software engineering, machine learning, and data science, among others. 

What Are Python Libraries?

Let us begin with a quick overview of the Python programming language before diving right into the most popular Python libraries. It is a foregone conclusion that you have probably heard of ‘Python.’ Python, the brainchild of Guido Van Rossum and dating back to the 1980s, has proven to be a game-changer. It is one of the most extensively used coding languages today, and it is utilized for a wide range of applications. Python’s popularity can be attributed to a number of factors:

  • Python comes with a plethora of libraries.
  • Python is a beginner’s programming language due to its ease and simplicity.
  • Python wants their developers to be more productive in all aspects of development, deployment, and maintenance.
  • Another reason for Python’s enormous popularity is its portability.
  • When compared to C, Java, and C++, Python’s programming syntax is straightforward to learn and has a high level of abstraction.

Top Python Libraries List - Read more information about Python Libraries on Interviewbit.
1. Pandas 
2. NumPy 
3. Keras 
4. TensorFlow 
5. Scikit Learn 
6. Eli5 
7. SciPy 
8. PyTorch 
9. LightGBM 
10. Theano 
#python (4) #programming (2)